About By Faith Transportation

By Faith Transportation is a family-owned and operated transportation business which has provided school bus service since 2001 when Curtis & Rakeesha Elliott, the founders, started the business from scratch. The home office and terminal was and still is in Union, New Jersey.

We have made a family tradition of safely transporting the nation’s most precious cargo-children. We are committed to getting students to school safe, on time, and ready to learn. By Faith Transportation reputation has been built on the safety and well-being of our children, also contributing to our communities locally and abroad. Ours is a healthy business. We are involved in providing contracted transportation and really care about what we do; it is not simply monetary incentive that drives what we do, we truly care for the passengers we service and the employees who provide that service.

The foundation for our continued success in the school transportation industry is our responsibility for safety. This responsibility has been carried out through the continuous efforts of every By Faith Transportation employee. Our safety record is one of the best in the industry. We encourage each bus driver to continue to practice safe driving habits and undergo continuous training. We provide customer focused transportation services including home-to-school, special needs, and field trip transportation. By partnering with various counties and school districts we have experienced increased service and cost efficiencies, safety and training excellence, and access to a wealth of resources.

At By Faith Transportation, our number one priority is the safety of the students we transport and work tirelessly to ensure the peace of mind of those who have entrusted their children to us. Safety, above all, is the cornerstone on which we build everything; we are dedicated to ensuring children arrive to school safely and on-time, so they can make the most of their school day…every day.